Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Magic 8 Ball

My way of handling the 2ww (the two weeks from when I ovulate until I find out if I'm pregnant or not) is far from helpful.  So far, while waiting to see if I am knocked up this month I have: watched TV shows about pregnant women, obsessively looked for charts that look like mine on Fertility Friend, stalked the birth month boards on The Bump (especially October 2011 because I REALLY want to be there), and repeatedly consulted a Magic 8 Ball.  

Yes, you heard that right, a Magic 8 Ball, like you had when you were a favorite coffee shop has one sitting on the counter where you wait for your coffee.  This month, after I had confirmed O, I asked the Magic 8 Ball if I was pregnant and going to have an October baby.  It said yes.  I have since asked it on a daily basis and it continues to assert that I will be having a baby in October.

My husband thinks that I am a goofball.  I immediately told him that the Magic 8 Ball said I was pregnant and that I was going to be very disappointed if it was wrong.  He thinks it's funny, but it is really getting my hopes up.  What is wrong with me?!?  A Magic 8 Ball?  I mean, it's a floating geometric shape with Yes and No written on's not even as impressive as a psychic!

I want to test very badly tomorrow, but I also want to make myself wait until Monday when my period should be showing up.  I feel like I will be really let down and a little angry with the Magic 8 Ball if I see a BFN.  Yep, I will actually be mad at the Magic 8 Ball... Oh, well.  Such is the crazy that the 2ww brings out in me, I guess.

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